Statutes That Apply to Online Gambling

Online Gambling

Using the Internet for gambling is illegal under the Illegal Gambling Business Act, and also under the Wire Act. In addition, the Travel Act prohibits illegal gambling on interstate commerce, and prohibits money laundering, facilitating illegal gambling, and promotion of unlawful gambling.

The UIGEA prohibits financial transaction providers from accepting payment for illegal Internet bets. The Travel Act prohibits promotion of unlawful gambling, and the Wire Act prohibits illegal gambling on sporting events.

There are some other statutes that may be relevant to illegal Internet gambling. The gambling industry has been the subject of several court cases that have raised questions about the scope of the law. The federal government has also stepped in to enforce the law.

The Online Gambling Regulation Act 2001, also known as OGRA, regulates the online gambling industry. The law, which was introduced in 2001, was passed with the stated aim of protecting children and vulnerable adults from gambling related harm. A summary of the law can be found in the Online Gambling (Amendments) Regulations 2016.

The OGRA contains two sections that pertain to online gambling. The first is a statutory requirement for a gambling business, which must operate at least two days a week and earn at least $2,000 a day. The second is the Gambling Supervision Commission, which can deny or terminate licenses.

While these statutes do not explicitly prohibit online gambling, they do reinforce state law in many cases. As a result, federal prosecutors have warned PayPal that they may face prosecution.

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Cape Town, South Africa