Responsible Online Gambling

Online Gambling is betting on games of chance or skill for money via a remote device such as a computer, tablet or mobile phone. This includes casino games like slots, blackjack and roulette as well as sports betting and a number of other games which have gambling elements.

This form of gambling is becoming increasingly popular around the world and is a great way to try your luck at winning some cash. It’s easy to do, safe and you can gamble from anywhere with an internet connection. The casinos make billions each year by accepting bets and pay out prizes to winners. They also make a profit by charging a small percentage of each bet made which is called the house edge.

The regulated casinos featured on this page are tested and verified to ensure they meet high standards of responsible gambling, offer reliable payouts and have a professional customer support team available 24 hours a day. In addition, they adhere to strict responsible gambling policies and are supervised by the consumer protection department of their respective state.

While the prevalence of Internet gambling appears to be low, it is growing rapidly in jurisdictions that regulate its operation [1]. Online operators can provide a range of tools and resources to assist players including expenditure tracking, self-set spend limits and time outs. This can help players manage their playing and be aware of potentially risky behaviour before it becomes problematic. However, it is important that players do not solely rely on these features and also have a robust plan for managing their gambling.

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Cape Town, South Africa